This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

EOSC & Industry

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Tuesday 19 May 2020, 16:00 - 17:30

Chairs Sy Holsinger, EGI Foundation; Elisa Cauhe, EGI Foundation; Marcin Płóciennik, PSNC
  • Provide an update on the EOSC innovation landscape and the role that industry plays
  • Raise awareness across the EOSC ecosystem that the EOSC Digital Innovation Hub as the mechanism for industrial engagement
  • Facilitate cooperation between EOSC service providers, EOSC related projects and the EOSC DIH, in order to enhance the EOSC DIH technical offer.
  • Explore how to bridge other industrial innovation activities with the EOSC and the EOSC DIH.
  • Increase the visibility of the individual EOSC DIH business pilots that have run or are running.
Main target audience
  • EOSC Governance and Working Group members to better understand the role of industry and ongoing activities for inclusion in any material produced.
  • EOSC related initiatives with potential innovation services or solutions.
  • Private companies interested in EOSC services and co-creation activities.
  • Anyone interested in general private industry engagement.

16:00 - 16:05: Intro and presentation of the speakers, Elisa Cauhe, EGI Foundation
16:05 - 16:20: EOSC DIH overview and main achievements to date (2018-2020), Sy Holsinger, EGI Foundation (Download ppt)
16:20 - 16:50 Invited speakers

16:50 - 16:55 Intro/Overview of DIH Piloting, Marcin Płóciennik, PSNC (Download ppt)
16:55 - 17:15 Lightning talks: Selected DIH pilots

  • NetService - Blockchain for university certificates. Michele Marchesi (Download ppt)
  • BI Insight: Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies. Grzegorz Niemiec (Download ppt)
  • DCP -  Dynamic resource allocation and accounting in a digital marketplace. Daniel Desjardins (Download ppt)

17:15 - 17:30: Open Q&A

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Relevant EOSC WG Sustainability Working Group
Find out more about the DIH
Rapporteur Report EOSC & Industry