This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

Key Exploitable Results

The EOSC hub project aims to create a hub of service providers to accelerate data-driven research in Europe. The project started on January 2018 and a lot of work has been done in order to reach this ambitious goal.

Nine Key Exploitable Results (KER) have been produced and they are described below. Click here to download the EOSC-hub KERs slides.

Click on the image to download the EOSC-hub Key Exploitable Results Booklet. 

EOSC Digital Innovation Hub (DIH): Platform for Industrial collaborations with EOSC

The EOSC DIH provides a clear interface for commercial innovation that can be supported by EOSC as part of the broader European Digital Innovation Hub landscape (such as free access trials).

Interoperability and Integration guidelines

Interoperability and Integration guidelines, defining the high-level architecture for basic EOSC technical functions and promoting EOSC standards and APIs, will facilitate access to services....

Training courses and material

The training courses and material encompass a large variety of project results. They range all the way from common and federated services for supporting the whole research life cycle...

Internal Services in the Hub Portfolio

The Internal Services provide basic enabling services for EOSC access and operation, such as access control or accounting, and offer common and standard interfaces to shared tools...