This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

EOSC-hub Magazine

EOSC-hub Magazine: Issue 6

The 6th issue of the EOSC-hub Magazine is now published and features articles focused on the project's achievements, use cases and the EOSC-hub week.


EOSC-hub Magazine: Issue 5

The 5th issue of the EOSC-hub Magazine is now published and features articles focused on the project's achivements, services and contribution to EOSC.


EOSC-hub Magazine: Issue 4

The 4th issue of the EOSC-hub Magazine is now published and features articles focused on the project's collaborations, initiatives and services.


EOSC-hub Magazine: Issue 3

The 3rd issue of the EOSC-hub Magazine is now published and features articles focused on the project's achievements, use cases and services.


EOSC-hub Magazine: Issue 2

EOSC-hub Magazine's 2nd issue has been published and distributed during the 2018 Digital Infrastructures for Research (DI4R 2018) conference, one of the key annual events co-organised by EOSC-hub.


EOSC-Hub Magazine: Issue 1

The EOSC-hub Magazine is a publication of the EOSC-hub project, edited to showcase major results and achievements of the project, collaborations ongoing with other initiatives and updates from the communities. The magazine also provides an overview of the latest highlights from the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) landscape.
