This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

Service Onboarding & Catalogue of services

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Watch recordings

Tuesday 19 May 2020, 16:00 - 17:30

Chairs Owen Appleton,
  • Give people a view on what onboarding looks like today, what are the options and limitations,
  • Introduce the new description templates from EOSC ENhance
  • Discuss
  • Implementing the RoP
  • The new RDT and EOSC enhance
  • Vision for onboarding post EOSC hub
Main target audience
  •  Service providers for researcher facing services, operators of thematic/regional/national portals or clusters.
  • 15 mins: The current state of the catalogues and onboarding, Owen Appleton (Download ppt)

A brief snapshot of where we are today, between EOSC-hub, Enhance, the regional and thematic projects.

  • 20 mins The new description templates / resources metadata schema, and EOSC Enhance, Jorge Sanchez (Download ppt)

Introduction to the PDT and RDT by Jorge, the idea and approach.

  • 20 mins A vision of the EOSC onboarding resources to EOSC post EOSC-hub, Owen Appleton (Download ppt)

A vision of how onboarding can and should look,. As a system of systems involving multiple catalogues with harmonised processes

  • 30 mins Implementing the RoP, Group discussion, Mark van de Sanden, SURFsara and Matthew Viljoen, EGI Foundation

Discussion of how catalogues need to implement RoP from the higher-level generic guidelines

Relevant EOSC-hub KERs
Relevant EOSC WGs WG-RoP, WG-Architectiure, WG-Sustainability
Rapporteur Report Service Onboarding & Catalogue of services