This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

EOSC Projects EXPO: Guide for Exhibitors

Organised as part of the Realising the European Open Science Cloud joint event by EOSC-hub, FREYA and SSHOC, the EOSC Projects EXPO is the first ever virtual exhibition showcasing initiatives and projects of the European Open Science Cloud.

If you have successfully applied to be one of our exhibitors and you're asking yourself whats' next? this is the right place to find all the support you need to set up your booth and get ready for the event.



All the information you need is in this animated guide for exhibitors. 

The presentation is divided into 6 easy steps which will guide you through the set-up process and provide examples of booths set up for previous events.

  • Step 1 basic information: provides some sample screenshots of booth designs created in the past and easy-to-follow instructions to naming and describing your booth and adding a project logo.
  • Step 2: booth graphics: includes a short video to learn how to use the booth design tool. We suggest you use Canva or other similar tools to help you in preparing and adapting original graphics material to different booth display sizes.
  • Step 3: content links: shows how to add links from external websites and social media pages to your booth.
  • Step 4: documents/videos: supports you in adding documents (pdf, word, excel, powerpoints) to your booth, as well as videos from Youtube and Vimeo.
  • Step 5: Booth rep accounts: during the event a project representative should be available at all times or in specific timeslots defined by the project. In this section you can add the names of individuals who will take care of this activity during the event.
  • Step 6: Review/finalise: a screenshot of your booth will allow you to review the contents and graphics and either modify or submit them to the organisers.


Please remember that deadline to set up the booth is 12 November 2020 at 12:00 CEST!