This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and


EGI Jupyter Notebooks examples

Some simple notebooks that showcase the EGI Notebooks features.

TOSCA for Heat

Heat-Translator is an Openstack project and licensed under Apache 2. It is a command line tool which takes non-Heat templates as an input and produces a Heat Orchestration Template (HOT) which can be deployed by Heat. Currently the development and testing is done with an aim to translate OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) templates to HOT. However, the tool is designed to be easily extended to use with any format other than TOSCA.

Launching a Kubernetes Cluster using TOSCA and OpenID

This video shows how to use the IM web interface to launch a Kubernetes Cluster using a TOSCA document on a OpenStack on-premise cloud platform using INDIGO IAM OpenID credentials.

ECAS_notebooks: Time_series_extraction

This notebook calculates the time series extraction

ECAS_notebooks: Time_series_difference

This notebook calculates the time series difference

ECAS_notebooks: Subsetted_map

This notebook computes subsetted_map

ECAS_notebooks: Daily_Temperature_Range

COMPUTE DTR, Daily temperature range: Monthly mean difference between TX and TN

ECAS_notebooks: Tropical+Nights.ipynb

This notebook computes the Tropical Nights index: starting from the daily minimum temperature (1980-1990) TN, the Tropical Nights index is the number of days where TN > T (T is a reference temperature, e.g. 20°C)

ECAS_notebooks: Summer+Days.ipynb

This notebook computes the Summer Days index: starting from the daily maximum temperature (1980-1990), the Summer Days index is the annual count of days number of days where TX (daily maximum temperature) > 25°C
