This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and
This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and
Plant Phenotyping
Science area: Agricultural Sciences
In recent years, technological progress has been made in plant phenomics - major improvements concerning imaging and sensor technologies. High-throughput plant phenotyping platforms now produce massive datasets involving millions of plant images concerning hundreds of different genotypes at different phenological stages in both field and controlled environments. There is a need for an integrated and federated solution for data management and data processing. The open-source Phenotyping Hybrid Information System PHIS aims at organising these data and make them accessible and reusable to a larger scientific community.
EOSC-hub supporting services:
EGI Cloud Compute, EGI Cloud Container Compute, B2SAFE, EGI DataHub, EGI Check-in, B2ACCESS, B2HANDLE, EGI Notebooks.
INRA, CINES (France)