This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub @ EOSC Symposium 2019

During the week of November 25-28, 2019, the many stakeholders involved in Open Science in Europe convened at Danubius Hotel Helia in beautiful Budapest to participate in EOSC Symposium. Co-organised by EOSC Secretariat together with EOSC-hub, OpenAIRE, GÉANT, and PRACE in collaboration with the EOSC Governance Board, Executive Board and its Working Groups, the symposium promised three intense and stimulating days for all stakeholders to actively contribute to discussions around the variety of topics and issues surrounding the inception of EOSC.
With joint sessions on Skills Development, Training Infrastructure for EOSC, Key Exploitable results and OS Policies​ organized and/or co-chaired ​by our institutions' representatives, the cooperation of OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub became imminently visible and highlighted the integral part that the two projects are playing in the evolving ecosystem of the European Open Science Cloud. ​

The first day of the symposium was framed by an opening plenary that offered a selection of perspectives on the big questions that govern EOSC, ranging from national developments with and towards EOSC delivered by Dr. István Szabó and Ivan Maric, to a highly informative historical contextualization of EOSC in the tradition of the W3C by Jean-François Abramatic.


From the “Mother of all Demos” to Linked Data – Jean-François Abramatic sets EOSC in the tradition of the web at large, from its earliest steps in the late 1960s, to the linked open data approach as proposed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

From the “Mother of all Demos” to Linked Data – Jean-François Abramatic sets EOSC in the tradition of the web at large, from its earliest steps in the late 1960s,
to the linked open data approach as proposed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
​All in all, this plenary set the scene for the next two and a half days: six breakout sessions dealt with a wide spectrum of issues and involved the EOSC Working Groups on Architecture, FAIR, Landscape, Rules of Participation (RoP), and Sustainability.
As part of these breakout sessions, the EOSC Architecture WG invited participants to join a Town Hall meeting, in which Jean-François Abramatic briefly introduced the Working Group's status quo, and then opened up discussion to ask for input from the audience. Key points included recommendations on: 
  • service interoperability, 
  • the creation and maintenance of a glossary and/or catalogue of existing offers
  • the need to combine bottom-up with top-down approaches, which –​ as was suggested –​ could also be used as a vehicle to share the vision of EOSC more broadly.

The combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches then also was the underlying theme of the first day's closing plenary, which opened a space for a variety of existing use cases from different disciplines for EOSC to be presented. And to mark the end of a highly informative first day at the EOSCsymposium, during the evening, participants had the opportunity to see Budapest via a beautiful and scenic boat ride along the river Danube, during which the social dinner took part in the evening. Here's a few impressions:​​

Photo courtesy of @FAIRsFAIR via Twitter

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