This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

Meeting of the ARGO team in Zagreb

The ARGO team recently met at the University of Zagreb University Computing Centre – SRCE in Zagreb, from 23 to 25 Sep 2019. The team operates as part of development, integration and maintenance of federation and collaboration services within project EOSC-hub. ARGO is active in WP5, WP4 and WP13.

During a three-day meeting, a team of experts from GRNET (Greek Research and Technology Network), CNRS (fr. Center National de la Recherche Scientifique) and SRCE went through the results obtained in the previous period, actively work on resolving the current problems in the operation and performance of individual components of e-infrastructure, and planned further improvements of the ARGO service monitoring system and ARGO messaging service.

The ARGO service monitoring system tracks the performance of all EOSC services, sends incident alerts and generates service availability and reliability reports of individual sites. The ARGO messaging service is used for message exchange between distributed components and it is used by ARGO service monitoring system and Operations Portal. Its integration with APEL system that tracks utilization of EOSC resources is underway.

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