This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

OpenBioMaps data management service for biological sciences and biodiversity conservation

EOSC-hub Early Adopter

Science Area:  Biology


The OpenBioMaps (OBM) is a free and open-source database framework for scientific and conservation purposes used for data management by nature conservation institutes and citizen science projects. The goal of the early adopter is to deploy a service in EOSC that allows multiple users to run tasks for projects that collect nature conservation data.

Specific steps:

  • Integration with the EGI Cloud Compute service, deploy and configure OBM node in test environment.
  • Deploy the application automatically using INDIGO IM.
  • Deploy OBM node to production environment and assess EGI DataHub, B2DROP and B2FIND
  • Test the performance of the use case

Supported community:


EOSC-hub supporting services:

EGI Cloud Compute, EGI Online Storage, INDIGO IM, EGI DataHub, EUDAT B2DROP
