This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and


EOSC-hub tech-talk: Storage

Training material for the 1st. technical meeting: "EOSC-hub tech-talk: Storage"

EOSC-hub-OpenAIRE-Advance webinar-meetup for national stakeholders

Training material of the webinar: "EOSC-hub-OpenAIRE-Advance webinar-meetup for national stakeholders"

Why is this a good DMP?

Training material of the event: "Why is this a good DMP?"

Data Management Plan Fundamentals

Training materials of the event: "Data Management Plan Fundamentals"

Training of “EUDAT Tools” (Part of “Train-the-Trainer: Exploring tools for FAIR data”)

Training materials for the event: "Training of “EUDAT Tools” (Part of “Train-the-Trainer: Exploring tools for FAIR data”)"

How to make training FAIR

Taining material about the event: "How to make training FAIR"

EOSC-hub tech-talk: AAI

Material for the technical meeting: "EOSC-hub tech-talk: AAI"

International Summer School “Data Management in Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures: Theory & Practice”

Training materials used during the International Summer School “Data Management in Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures: Theory & Practice”

2018 CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science

TRaining material of the 2018 CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science
