This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and


GBIF y la información primaria sobre biodiversidad

Training material of the "GBIF.ES Workshop: Use and management of the GBIF global and national portals"

This section provides a list of training materials being used during the GBIF.ES training events, a service provider of the EOSC-hub.

Funcionalidades en desarrollo del Portal de Datos de GBIF.ES

Training materials of the "GBIF.ES Workshop: Use and management of the GBIF global and national portals"

This section provides a list of training materials being used during the GBIF.ES training events, a service provider of the EOSC-hub.

Portal Nacional de Datos

Training material of the "GBIF.ES Workshop: Use and management of the GBIF global and national portals"

This section provides a list of training materials being used during the GBIF.ES training events, a service provider of the EOSC-hub.

Uso y manejo de los portales global y nacional de GBIF

Training material of the "GBIF.ES Workshop: Use and management of the GBIF global and national portals"

This section provides a list of training materials being used during the GBIF.ES training events, a service provider of the EOSC-hub.

Machine Learning (Introduction + Hands-on)

Training material of the Big Data Management infrastructures and Analytics course

Big Data Management infrastructures + hands-on

Training material of the Big Data Management infrastructures and Analytics course

Container Infrastructure: Introduzione ai container

Training material of the Big Data Management infrastructures and Analytics course

Cloud Infrastructure (Openstack + Hands-On)

Training material of the Big Data Management infrastructures and Analytics course

AuthN/AuthZ with Indigo IAM

Training material of the Big Data Management infrastructures and Analytics course


Training material of the Big Data Management infrastructures and Analytics course
