This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and


EGI AAI Check-In

Training material used during the webinar: "The EGI AAI Check-In service for scientific communities"

The EGI AAI Check-In service for scientific communities

Training material used during the webinar: "The EGI AAI Check-In service for scientific communities"

EOSC-hub-AAI: Update & next steps

Updated presentation of the status of the EOSC-hub AAI framework.
This presentation was introduced during the WP8 task leaders meeting, 14 November 2019
Full agenda is available here:

EOSC-hub tech-talk: AAI

Material for the technical meeting: "EOSC-hub tech-talk: AAI"

Training on integration of OpenID Connect services to ELIXIR AAI

The target group of the training is developers and administrators of services that want to integrate to ELIXIR AAI for user authentication and authorisation. The training has hands-on sessions for the participants to integrate their own service (or, a test service provided by the trainers) to ELIXIR AAI.

Keywords: AAI, OpenID Connect, Authentication

Target audience: service administrators in organizations that want to make use of ELIXIR AAI

Difficulty level: Intermediate

Authors: Michal Prochazka, Dominik Frantisek Bucik


Federated AAI for EIDA Services

EIDA is the European Integrated Data Archive infrastructure within ORFEUS to provide access to seismic waveform data and related metadata in European archives. EIDA has been stablised in 2013.  EPOS-ORFEUS Competence Center works on new federated seismological services for EIDA. The presentation slides introduced the new Authentication and Authorization for EIDA developed by the CC. The two presentations were given in EGU 2019 conference, April 10th 2019, Vienna, and in EPOS Seismology Meeting, May 7th 2019, Potsdam, respectively.

A user documentaion is also avaialbe at:


This set of training materials introduce ELIXIR AAI service for user authentication and authorisation. The service is developed by the ELIXIR Compence Center. The training is delivered during the ECCB 2019 conference

Training on the EOSC-hub AAI--The service provider perspective

This training materilas is provided for the AAI training during EOSC-hub week 2019, 12 Apr 2019, Prague. This material provides an overview of the various integration workflows in support of resource providers’ needs for federated access through the EOSC-hub AAI. These workflows build on standards and open technologies, including SAML 2.0, OpenID Connect, and OAuth 2.0, in order to support the integration of web-based services. The training also covers more advanced workflows for addressing non-web-based access use cases (e.g. command line and API). In this context techniques for obtaining credentials on behalf of the end-user using OAuth tokens and X509 proxy certificates through online authorities will be presented. 


IAM (Identity and Access Management) service is one of EOSChub AAI solution, and provided by INDIGO-DataCloud project. The IAM service provides a layer where identities, enrolment,  group membership,  attributes  and  policies  to  access  distributed  resources  and services can be managed in a homogeneous and interoperable way.

The linked training was given in the EOSC-hub tech-talk: AAI

RC Auth

The RCauth Pilot ICA G1 CA issues certificates to end-entities based on a successful authentication to a Federated Identity Management System (FIMS) operated by an eligible Registration Authority. The certificates for use in science, research, and innovation, specifically for the purpose of (cross-organisational) distributed resource access, solely in the context of academic and research and similar, not-commercially competitive, applications. 

RC Auth is one of EOSC-hub federation services. The linked website provide more information for end users.
