This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and



The Service Portfolio Management Tool (SPMT) is one of EOSC-hub Federation services, which is a tool aimed at facilitating service management in IT service provision, including federated scenarios. It represents a complete list of the services managed by a service provider; some of these services are visible to the customers, while others are internal. The service management system has been designed to be compatible with the FitSM service portfolio management

The linked presentation gives an overview introduction of SPMT. More information and code can be found in github:


IAM (Identity and Access Management) service is one of EOSChub AAI solution, and provided by INDIGO-DataCloud project. The IAM service provides a layer where identities, enrolment,  group membership,  attributes  and  policies  to  access  distributed  resources  and services can be managed in a homogeneous and interoperable way.

The linked training was given in the EOSC-hub tech-talk: AAI


Grid Configuration Database (GOCDB) is one of EOSC-hub federation services. GOCDB contains general information about the sites participating to the production Grid. Accessed by all the project actors (end-users, sitemanagers, NGI mangers, support teams, VO managers), by other tools and by third party middleware in order to get Grid topology. The portal has a single central installation but interested NGIs can download and install their own instance. The linked wiki provide guides and information for end users


GGUS is one of EOSC-hub federation services. The GGUS system creates a trouble ticket to record the request and tracks the ticket from creation through to solve. The  linked document is the user guide  that provides information for users how to submit a ticket using the web interface, and how to brows and modify tickets, etc.

RC Auth

The RCauth Pilot ICA G1 CA issues certificates to end-entities based on a successful authentication to a Federated Identity Management System (FIMS) operated by an eligible Registration Authority. The certificates for use in science, research, and innovation, specifically for the purpose of (cross-organisational) distributed resource access, solely in the context of academic and research and similar, not-commercially competitive, applications. 

RC Auth is one of EOSC-hub federation services. The linked website provide more information for end users.

TOSCA for Heat

Heat-Translator is an Openstack project and licensed under Apache 2. It is a command line tool which takes non-Heat templates as an input and produces a Heat Orchestration Template (HOT) which can be deployed by Heat. Currently the development and testing is done with an aim to translate OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) templates to HOT. However, the tool is designed to be easily extended to use with any format other than TOSCA.

DODAS Service

This presentation give an introduction of DODAS (Dynamic On Demand Analysis Service) service, including the architecture of the service, and concrete use case examples. The training is given during VIRGO Comping School. 

EGI Check-In Service

This presentation introduces the architecture and the main features of EGI Check-In service. This presentation is given at the EOSC-hub tech-talk AAI webinar.

EGI Cloud Container Compute Training Material

This training material introduces EGI Cloud Container Compute. What is it about, its features, architecture, how to use it, and examples of using the service

EGI Online Storage

This presentation introduces EGI Online Storage service, what is it about, and how to use it.
