This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

PaaS Orchestrator

Create elastic virtual clusters in the EGI Cloud with the EC3/IM

Training material used during the webinar "Create elastic virtual clusters in the EGI Cloud with the EC3/IM"


Training material used during the webinar: The Infrastructure Manager.

Recording also available in the indico page.

The Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster (EC3)

Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster (EC3) is a tool to create elastic virtual clusters on top of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers, either public (such as Amazon Web ServicesGoogle Cloud or Microsoft Azure) or on-premises (such as OpenNebula and OpenStack). We offer recipes to deploy TORQUE (optionally with MAUI), SLURMSGEHTCondorMesosNomad and Kubernetes clusters that can be self-managed with CLUES: it starts with a single-node cluster and working nodes will be dynamically deployed and provisioned to fit increasing load (number of jobs at the LRMS). Working nodes will be undeployed when they are idle. This introduces a cost-efficient approach for Cluster-based computing.

Launching a Kubernetes Cluster using TOSCA and OpenID

This video shows how to use the IM web interface to launch a Kubernetes Cluster using a TOSCA document on a OpenStack on-premise cloud platform using INDIGO IAM OpenID credentials.

PaaS Orchestrator

This training video introduces the PaaS Orchestrator develped by INDIGO-DataCloud. The service collects high-level deployment requests from the software layer, and coordinates the resource or service deployment over dynamic Mesos clusters or directly over IaaS platforms.