This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

Common services

Container Infrastructure: Introduzione ai container

Training material of the Big Data Management infrastructures and Analytics course

Containers their composition and orchestration @SOC2019

Training material used during the third International School on Open Science Cloud is “Intelligent Systems”

EOSC-hub tech-talk: Storage

Training material for the 1st. technical meeting: "EOSC-hub tech-talk: Storage"

EOSC-hub tech-talk: AAI

Material for the technical meeting: "EOSC-hub tech-talk: AAI"

TOSCA for Heat

Heat-Translator is an Openstack project and licensed under Apache 2. It is a command line tool which takes non-Heat templates as an input and produces a Heat Orchestration Template (HOT) which can be deployed by Heat. Currently the development and testing is done with an aim to translate OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) templates to HOT. However, the tool is designed to be easily extended to use with any format other than TOSCA.

EGI Cloud Container Compute Training Material

This training material introduces EGI Cloud Container Compute. What is it about, its features, architecture, how to use it, and examples of using the service

EGI Online Storage

This presentation introduces EGI Online Storage service, what is it about, and how to use it.

Launching a Kubernetes Cluster using TOSCA and OpenID

This video shows how to use the IM web interface to launch a Kubernetes Cluster using a TOSCA document on a OpenStack on-premise cloud platform using INDIGO IAM OpenID credentials.

EGI Workload Manager

This training introduces the EGI Workload Manager service, also known as DIRAC4EGI, based on DIRAC technology.
The Workload Manager distributes and manages centrally thousands of computational tasks on cloud and HTC.

Additional materials about the EGI Workload Manager service have been used during the Virgo Computing School.

PaaS Orchestrator

This training video introduces the PaaS Orchestrator develped by INDIGO-DataCloud. The service collects high-level deployment requests from the software layer, and coordinates the resource or service deployment over dynamic Mesos clusters or directly over IaaS platforms.
