This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

PPT Power Point presentation


Training material used during the CODATA-RDA School 2020


Training material used during the CODATA-RDA School 2020

ARC6 CE training materials

Training materials used during the Rolling out ARC6 CE webinar

Create elastic virtual clusters in the EGI Cloud with the EC3/IM

Training material used during the webinar "Create elastic virtual clusters in the EGI Cloud with the EC3/IM"


Training material used during the webinar: The Infrastructure Manager.

Recording also available in the indico page.

DataHub webinar

Training material used during the webinar: "The EGI Datahub to federate distributed data sets for data-intensive applications in the cloud"

Recording is also available here:

EGI AAI Check-In

Training material used during the webinar: "The EGI AAI Check-In service for scientific communities"

Structural biology in the cloud - 10 years of experience of using EGI services

Slide-deck used during the Webinar: Structural biology in the cloud - 10 years of experience of using EGI services

EGI Federation - Advanced Computing for Research

Material used during the Webinar: EGI Federation - Advanced Computing for Research
Recording is available here:
