This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

Demo: ECASLab

ECASLab is a scientific, data analytics environment built on top of ECAS (the ENES Climate Analytics Service), one of the thematic services included in the EOSC-hub service portfolio.

It provides a scientific environment exploiting a server-side approach and integrates both data and analysis tools to support data scientists in their daily research activities.

ECASLab provides two different ways to access its scientific eco-system: JupyterHub and Ophidia client.

The intergration of the entire ECASLab with a private B2Drop should be notices.

Watch the demo below on the jupyter notebook structure. Here you will see an example computing the number of tropical nights from CMIP5 data.

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