This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

EOSC for Physics & Astronomy

Wednesday 10 April 2019, 11:30 - 13:00, Room: Prague A+B

Chairs Jean-Francois Perrin, ILL; Hanno Holties, ASTRON
  • Share respective high level visions of EOSC and ways to integrate it in the scientific workflow;
  • Share information about the services that Research Infrastructures from the physics, astronomy & astrophysics, radio astronomy, photon & neutron sciences areas would like to bring into EOSC;
  • Discuss user and user community expectations relating to generic EOSC capabilities
  • Capture opportunities for collaborative work between EOSC-hub and ESFRI Clusters in the domain (ESCAPE, PaNOSC), refine joint technical plans;
  • Collect recommendations and requirements for EOSC-hub future developments.
Main target audience
  • Research community managers, researchers and service providers from the broader physics area; Providers of generic EOSC capabilities (storage, compute, AAI, etc.).

Lightning talks (15’ each) - Services to be brought into EOSC & expectations about EOSC

Panel with the presenters and the audience to discuss the topics listed under the objectives.  Moderator: Gergely Sipos (EOSC-hub)

Summary presentation (Download here)