This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and
This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and
TNC is a prestigious European research networking conference, with more than 650 participants attending this annual event. It brings together decision makers, managers, networking and collaboration specialists, plus identity and access management experts from all major European networking and research organisations, universities, worldwide sister institutions, as well as many industry representatives.
EOSC-hub will participate in the session User Requirements Odyssey (Wednesday, 13 June 9:00 to 10:30).
Gergely Sipos wil give a presentation - EOSC: From known unknown to known known - on EOSC-related user requirements.
Outline of the session:
The technological and ICT possibilities for research have greatly increased and improved over the last decades. With this trend, new challenges have appeared as well, both on the national and international levels. The European Open Science Cloud will likely create a landscape in which research infrastructures and e-infrastructures will cooperate more to address end users’ needs in the modern research practice.
See more information about this session and the TNC event.
Gergely Sipos is the leader of WP8 Competence Centres in the EOSC-hub project.