This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

Training workshop in EOSC

Giuseppe La Rocca summarises the outcomes of the training workshop in EOSC, held in the Hague, Netherlands

DANS, EGI, EUDAT and OpenAIRE organised a training workshop in EOSC from 26 to 28 February 2020, in the Hague, Netherlands. The workshop was attended by representatives from the ESFRI Clusters, the Regional and Thematic EOSC (INFRAEOSC-05-2018-2019) projects.

During the workshop, experienced training coordinators and training service providers from different projects and research infrastructures produced an initial report with recommendations in the following two areas:

  1. Rules of participation for training in EOSC;

  2. Practical guidance for training service providers.

The output of the workshop - a report with recommended rules of participation for training as well as practical guidance for training providers - will be provided primarily to two of the EOSC Working Groups. To pave the way for easy adoption of the recommendations, these working groups formed the scope of the workshop. 

EOSC Working Group Rules of Participation

The Rules of Participation (RoP) for EOSC apply to all digital resources made accessible via EOSC, including data and services. They define a minimal set of rights, obligations and accountability governing the activities of all those participating in EOSC, such as data and service users, data and service providers, and the operators of EOSC itself. 

Currently, the EOSC Working Group on Rules of Participation limits their RoP to data and services, but remarks that later versions of the RoP may include sections on other forms of EOSC resources, such as software, publications and training. With the report produced during the workshop we hope to accelerate the latter. 

EOSC Working Group Skills and Training

The newly launched “Skills and Training” Working Group will work on building competence (skills) and capabilities (training) for EOSC. The goal is to provide a framework for a sustainable training infrastructure to support EOSC in all its phases and ensure its uptake. The Working Group will consult and converge with existing initiatives and H2020 EOSC projects to agree upon key components for skills development and training, determine how these can be embedded in different levels of EOSC (institutional, national, EU), and identify what structures are needed to make EOSC a viable success (sustainability). 



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