This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

Past Training Events

EOSC-hub AAI training for communities

Wednesday, May 20, 2020 - 14:30 to 16:00

This training session will provide an overview of enabling the use and management of community identities for accessing resources made available through the EOSC-hub AAI. 

ARGO Monitoring Service training session for Service Providers

Wednesday, May 20, 2020 - 14:30 to 16:00

 Offering a reliable services is a good way to promote your services in EOSC. ARGO monitors your services and notifies is case of a problem allowing you to intervene asap. In this training session we are going to show the process we follow to monitor a new service with ARGO. Is that all? No, we are going to present the full stack of the service, the automations we are working on, the real time computations and the results via the alerts, API and UI.

ECAS Webinar StuMeTa

Tuesday, May 19, 2020 - 13:00 to 15:00

Ein erlernen ein Basiswissen, mit dem man hands-on eine Klimadatenanalyse durchführen kann. Wir werden ein paar Befehle kennen lernen, die die neuste Technik in einer modernen Programmiersprache wiederspiegelt. Wir werden die neusten Ergebnisse von den "intercomparisons"-Simulationsexperimenten, CMIP6, untersuchen und diese mit "historischen Daten" vergleichen. Das alles geschieht im Rahmen von ECAS, dem ENES Climate Analytics Service.

Online lecture: WeNMR - Structural biology in the cloud - 10 years of experience of using EGI services

Tuesday, May 19, 2020 - 10:00

Professor Bonvin will show how EOSC enables the WeNMR services to support thousands of researcher worldwide in the field of structural biology. WeNMR is linked to the Instruct-ERIC ESFRI. The structural biology community has focused its efforts in the last months on providing answers to fight the Sarc-Cov-2 pandemic. He will show how the WeNMR services contribute to this research.

The EGI Notebooks service: Support for analytics and big data visualisation in the cloud

Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 14:00 to 15:00

The EGI Notebooks service is an environment based on Jupyter and the EGI cloud service that offers a browser-based, scalable tool for interactive data analysis. The notebooks environment provides users with notebooks where they can combine text, mathematics, computations and rich media output. The service, in production since late 2019, it is offered in two options:

  • Notebooks for researchers: 

    • EGI offers a basic instance of the Notebooks as an open service. Any researcher can access this automatically to write and play notebooks on limited capacity cloud servers.

  • Notebooks for communities: 

    • EGI offers customised Notebooks service to scientific communities. Such customised instances can be hosted on special hardware (for example with fat nodes and GPUs), can offer special libraries, data import/export and user authentication systems.

DMP Workshop RDA/OpenAIRE

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 13:30 to 16:30

This is the third and final workshop of the RDA UK node, which will be run jointly with OpenAIRE on the theme of building bridges across open science in the UK.
It's being run jointly with OpenAIRE and focussed on open science in the UK, in particular in RDA and OpenAIRE work related to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

This is a chance to find out about RDA and OpenAIRE activities in open science, in particular in the areas of training, FAIR data, and certification. The aim of this event it to connect researchers, open science facilitators, research facilitators, repository managers, policy makers, funders and librarians with a strong focus on FAIR.

Introduction of the EGI Cloud Compute Service

Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 14:00

The EGI Federated Cloud is a IaaS-type cloud, made of academic private clouds and virtualized resources and built around open standards. Its development is driven by requirements of the scientific community. The result is a new type of research e-infrastructure, based on the mature federated operations services that make EGI a reliable resource for science.

When using EGI Federated Cloud resources, researchers and research communities can count on:

  • Total control over deployed applications

  • Elastic resource consumption based on real need

  • Immediately processed workloads – no more waiting time

  • An extended e-Infrastructure across resource providers in Europe

  • Service performance scaled with elastic resource consumption

WeNMR - Structural biology in the cloud - 10 years of experience of using EGI services

Friday, April 24, 2020 - 14:00 to 15:00

Structural biology deals with the characterization of the structural (atomic coordinates) and dynamic (fluctuation of atomic coordinates over time) properties of biological macromolecules and adducts thereof. Gaining insight into 3D structures of biomolecules is highly relevant with numerous applications in health and food sciences, with as current example unraveling the structural details of Sars-Cov2 in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since 2010, the WeNMR project has implemented numerous web-based services to facilitate the use of advanced computational tools by researchers in the field, using the grid computational infrastructure provided by EGI. These services have been further developed in subsequent initiatives under the H2020 EGI-ENGAGE West-Life project and the BioExcel Center of Excellence for Biomolecular Computational Research. The WeNMR services are currently operating under the European Open Science Cloud with the H2020 EOSC-Hub project, with the HADDOCK portal sending >10 millions jobs and using ~2700 CPU years  per year. In this talk, Alexandre will summarize 10 years of successful use of e-infrastructure solutions to serve a large worldwide community of users (>16’000 to date), providing them with user-friendly, web-based solutions that allow to run complex workflows in structural biology. I will illustrate this with details of the HADDOCK service and how we could increase our capacity to serve COVID-related projects.

EOSC DIH Open Call - Webinar

Thursday, April 23, 2020 - 15:30

Learn more about the EOSC DIH Open Call!

Are you a technology developer or technology adopter? Than the EOSC DIH Open Call is for you.


1. EOSC-hub/EOSC-DIH overview
2. Review of EOSC DIH services
3. Presentation of the Open Call
4. Presentation of pilots and success stories
5. Q&A


EGI Federation - Advanced Computing for Research

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 14:00 to 15:00

The EGI federation is the largest distributed computing infrastructure in the world, and brings together hundreds of data centres worldwide and also includes the largest community cloud federation in Europe with tends of cloud providers across most of the European countries offering IaaS cloud and storage services. The current federated resources represent altogether more than 350 Petabytes of online storage and 380 Petabytes of archival storage supported by approximately 1M Cores. EGI expanded the federation of its facilities with other non-European digital infrastructures in North America, South America, Africa-Arabia and the Asia-Pacific region, as such EGI fully realised the “Open to the World” vision. In order to interoperate at international level, EGI and its partners operate in the context of a lightweight collaboration framework defining rules of participations via a corpus of policies and technical guidelines.

EGI offering includes a federated IaaS cloud to run compute- or data-intensive tasks and host online services in virtual machines or docker containers on IT resources accessible via a uniform interface; high-throughput data analysis to run compute-intensive tasks for producing and analysing large datasets and store/retrieve research data efficiently across multiple service providers; federated operations to manage service access and operations from heterogeneous distributed infrastructures and integrate resources from multiple independent providers with technologies, processes and expertise offered by EGI; consultancy for user-driven innovation to assess research computing needs and provide tailored solutions for advanced computing.

The notion of a distributed infrastructure offering advanced resources and services for data-intensive processing in research and innovation has been part of the EGI mission and vision since the EGI design and implementation that started with the DataGrid project back in 2000 under the leadership of CERN. Distributed processing of data supported by a pan-European broadband network infrastructure, solutions for trust and identity management and the Grid middleware, have been the enablers of two Nobel prizes in Physics (2013 and 2017), and many more data-driven scientific discoveries in high energy physics, astronomy and astrophysics, health and medicine, and earth sciences resulting in more than 3,000 open access scientific publications enabled each year. In this webinar Gergely will provide an overview of EGI, the pan-european federation of national e-infrastructures and he will explain how EGI supports big data based Open Science and contributes to the implementation of the EOSC vision.
