This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

Training events

Building the EPOS-ORFEUS Competence Center in EOSC-hub

Friday, April 12, 2019 - 09:00

The EOSC-hub project ( brings together multiple service providers to create the Hub – an integration and management system of the future European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The Hub can be seen as an access and delivery channel for services, software and data provided by e-Infrastructures and research communities
across Europe.

In the context of the EOSC-hub project the seismological community of the European Plate Observing System (EPOS), represented by ORFEUS, has the task to build the EPOS-ORFEUS Competence Centre (CC).

The EPOS-ORFEUS CC empowers users by establishing an enhanced service platform for seismological research. Data centres can define and share data management policies. Secure access to data and compute resources underpins users’ services. Researchers can discover data from seismological repositories and initiate staging onto
computational platforms. They can encode analysis methods into components, deploy and execute them close to data.

The platform integrates services from the EOSC-hub catalogue ( with community services (e.g. FDSN Dataselect, FDSN Station, EIDA WFCatalog).
The EPOS-ORFEUS CC focuses on four main use cases and aims to:

  • Establish a federated Authentication Authorisation Infrastructure – this activity has already produced a system to manage authentication and authorisation of ORFEUS-EIDA users and it is integrated in the operational data services (e.g. FDSN Dataselect).
  • Offer effective ways to stage data conveniently onto compute facilities – it relies on persistent identifiers (PIDs) and domain-specific metadata catalogues (EIDA WFCatalog).
  • Enable user-defined data analysis in the cloud – e.g. by means of Jupyter Notebooks deployed in proximity of data.
  • Promote and support shared policies for data management – it provides mechanisms to define and share best practices and data management policies.


Data Analysis made easy with the ENES Climate Analytics Service (ECAS)

Wednesday, April 10, 2019 - 08:30 to 10:15

The ENES Climate Analytics Service (ECAS) team will organize a training session at the European Geoscience Union (EGU) general assembly (7–12 April 2019). The session is divided into a teaching as well as a hands on training part and includes:

  • presentation(s) on the theoretical and technical background of ECAS. This covers the data cube concept and its operations (eg.: subset extraction, reduction, aggregation). Furthermore, we provide an introduction to the Ophidia framework, which is the components of ECAS for processing multidimensional data.
  • tutorials and training materials. Participants will have the opportunity to dive into the ECAS software stack and learn how to manipulate multidimensional data through real world use cases from the climate domain. 

Short overview of ECAS

"ECAS allows you to work with Jupyter notebooks and server-side computing and data processing frameworks

ECAS provides access to data via ESGF and enables easy sharing of results with your immediate colleagues and the wider community."

Interested to Join?

 Please sign up and get an account from one of the following ECAS instances:

 DKRZ service information

 CMCC service information

FitSM Foundation Training

Tuesday, April 9, 2019 - 08:45 to 18:00

T Service Management is a discipline that helps provide services with a focus on customer needs and in a professional manner. It is widely used in the commercial and public sectors to manage IT services of all types, but current solutions are very heavyweight with high barriers to entry.

FitSM is an open, lightweight standard for professionally managing services. It brings order and traceability to a complex area and provides simple, practical support in getting started with ITSM. FitSM training and certification provide crucial help in delivering services and improving their management. It provides a common conceptual and process model, sets out straightforward and realistic requirements and links them to supporting materials.

FitSM is the reference framework being used in both EOSC-hub and EOSCpilot projects, among other research infrastructures as well. Through FitSM, the EOSC-hub project aims at conducting effective IT service management in a federated environment and achieving a baseline level of ITSM that can act in support of ‘management interoperability’ in federated environments where disparate organisations must cooperate to manage services. 

In addition, participants have an opportunity to receive a formal certification backed by certification authority ICO-Cert for anyone successfully passing the exam (20 multiple choice questions, 13 required to pass). Both the costs of the training and the exam is covered and offered by the EOSC-hub project for free.

The training is co-located with the 2nd EOSC-hub Week taking place on Tuesday 9 April 2019, ensuring no overlap with the main programme.

Course offered for the PhD program in Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering. Curriculum in Wind Science and Engineering A.Y. (2018/2019) (XXXIV cycle)

Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 09:00 to Friday, April 5, 2019 - 18:00

Information technology has become an essential ingredient in most of research fields. The variety and amount of data to acquire, process and understand in fact has significantly increased, and the typical desktop is no longer sufficient. Even more, large collaborations are necessary to carry out research, involving complex logistics for handling distributed data collection, analysis and management. It is therefore clear that new approaches (computer architectures, software and methodologies) are needed to enhance the scientific research. eScience studies, enacts, and improves the ongoing process of innovation in computationallyintensive or data-intensive research methods; typically, this is carried out collaboratively, often using distributed infrastructure. eScience encompasses all fields of research and addresses all stages of the research lifecycle, from formulation of the research questions, through large scale simulations and data analytics, scientific discovery, up to long-term sharing, reusing, and reapplying of the results, data as well as the relevant tools, processes and knowledge.

EGI Jupyter Notebooks Tutorial @ ISGC 2019

Tuesday, April 2, 2019 - 11:15 to 17:30

EGI Notebooks is a new service from the EGI e-infrastructure collaboration, providing a user-friendly and highly flexible Jupyter-based hosted environment for researchers to develop and share data analysis and visualisation ‘notebooks’. Notebooks can contain programming codes in various languages, HTML scripts, dynamic visualization and equations as well as images and explanatory text that provide guidance and context for the captured data analysis workflows. Through the notebooks users can easily share concepts, ideas and working applications, containing the full analytical methodology, connections to data sources, visualizations, and descriptive text to interpret those data. With the Binder ‘extension’ of Jupyter one can turn a Github repository with Jupyter notebooks into an executable environment, making code, visualisation and documentation immediately reproducible and reusable by anyone, anywhere. Jupyter and Binder are becoming pillars for Open Science.

EBI Hinxton - Joint Instruct-ERIC/CAPRI Workshop on Integrated Modelling of Protein-Protein Interactions

Monday, April 1, 2019 - 08:30 to Tuesday, April 2, 2019 - 16:30

CAPRI (Critical Assessment of Predicted Interactions) is a community wide experiment designed to test methods for predicting the structure of macromolecular complexes based on the known structure of their components.

The meeting program will include an overview of the performance of protein docking and scoring procedures obtained for targets evaluated since the spring of 2013. It will also feature several plenary lectures by prominent scientists, as well as talks by the best CAPRI performers, and/or groups developing innovative computational approaches. CAPRI groups selected for oral representations will be notified, once the predictions for all outstanding targets have been completed.

Get the latest update on the current status of computational procedures for modeling protein-protein interactions and the association of proteins with other macromolecules from this 7th CAPRI evaluation meeting. For more information -

Security Workshop at ISGC2019

Sunday, March 31, 2019 - 09:00 to 17:30

EGI CSIRT provides operational security to distributed compute infrastructures coordinated by EGI. One of EGI CSIRTs activities is to assess the overall incident response capabilities, which is done through security exercises, so called Security Service Challenges (SSCs). Operational security in an agile environment with different job management systems, logging information at different locations and entities coordination of the involved security teams is key.

The used services need to provide sufficient traceability of user actions as well as interfaces to the systems that offer methods needed to contain an incident, i.e. suspending of credentials found in activities violating approved security policies.

In an assessment of the overall incident response capabilities one of the core aspects will be the junctions between the acting security teams, each having a different view on the situation and different tools available to contain the incident.

To be able to run Security Service Challenges (SSCs) targeting multiple Resource Centres (RCs) and Workload Management Systems (WMS) a framework, the SSC-Monitor, was developed, that allows for central management of the malicious activities as well as for recording and evaluating the expected actions of the participating CSIRTs. This SSC-Monitor was already used for earlier SSCs. While large parts of this framework remains constant several adoptions are needed to implement the Virtual Organisations WMS. Also to be able to measure the incident response of the participants various metrics have to be developed and made available to the SSC-Monitor, and in order to realistically hide the malicious activities, alternative methods for getting the payload to the compute nodes had to be researched and implemented into the SSC-Monitor. Details are presented in separate contribution to this conference.

In the SSC presented here we focused on the WMS Dirac developed and used by the LHCB VO. Incidents involving a VOs WMS require actions and information flow from/to the VOs security team, the RCs security teams and, eventually, additional entities providing authentication frameworks. The information flow and the orchestrated incident response activities are coordinated by EGI CSIRTs Incident Response Task Force (IRTF).

To assess the readiness of the above mentioned security teams, EGI CSIRT together with the VO LHCB created a realistic incident scenario, where valid user credentials are used to submit jobs to the infrastructure using LHCBs workload management system DIRAC as well as using generic services available for job submission directly to the sites.

In this presentation we will show the detailed incident scenario created by the SSC-Monitor, the expected actions described in the incident response procedures as well as the efficiency of the actions described in the developed metrics.

Environmental Computing Workshop@ISGC2019

Sunday, March 31, 2019 - 09:00 to 17:30

Environmental data, available in unprecedented richness, are of utmost relevance to society nowadays: they are the basis of our adaption to dramatic environmental changes. Projects yielding such data – i.e. collecting, reprocessing or generating them – thus have a particular responsibility: rendering their outputs usable for society and fellow researchers. This year’s Environmental Computing Workshop shall therefore deal with data management in environmental IT projects of all kinds, from sensor-network to simulation projects. A proper Research Data Management guarantees efficient re-use of data and thus indispensable added value.

The EGI Notebooks for interactive analysis of data using EGI storage and compute services

Tuesday, March 19, 2019 - 15:00 to 16:00

The EGI Notebooks is an 'as a Service' environment based on the Jupyter technology, offering a browser-based, scalable tool for interactive data analysis. The EGI Notebooks environment provides users with notebooks where they can combine text, mathematics, computations and rich media output. EGI Notebooks is a multi-user service and can scale to multiple servers based on the EGI cloud service.

With the Binder ‘extension’ of Jupyter one can turn a Github repository with Jupyter notebooks into an executable environment, making code, visualisation and documentation immediately reproducible and reusable by anyone, anywhere. 

This webinar will introduce the key features of the EGI Notebooks service, particularly:

  • Easy access based on user authentication through EGI Check-In using institutional (eduGAIN) or social media accounts (e.g.: Google, Facebook, LinkedIn).
  • Graphical environment to write and run code, analyse and visualise data.
  • Persistent storage associated to each user, available in the notebooks environment.
  • Customisable with new notebook environments, expose any existing notebooks to your users.
  • Leverage on the EGI e-Infrastructure cloud compute and storage resources to run the notebooks.
  • Sharing of notebooks through Binder for Open Science.

The EGI Notebooks are offered in two options:

  • For individual users: EGI hosts and offers a JupyterHub within the Applications on Demand service. After a lightweight approval, users login, write and play notebooks using the EGI storage and compute capacity.
  • For user communities: EGI offers consultancy and technology to setup a community-specific JupyterHub on top of a community VO. This comes together with community specific compute and storage.

Disaster Mitigation WG Meeting@APAN47

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 15:30 to 17:00

Status update and discussion about regarding to those case studies conducted by DMCC+ and UND projects together with APAN will be investigated. Plan for the Collaboration of DMWG and AgWG will be examined according to the jointly sessions beforehand. Activities of DMWG in future APAN meetings will be also included.
